Pharmacy Product

Social Groups for
Autistic 12 - 18 Year Olds

Together Project

All Surgical Glove

Wellbeing & Learning Support for Autistic 12 - 18 Year Olds
Struggling to Attend School


Small Group Tutoring for Neurodivergent 12 - 18 Year Olds


Holiday Clubs for Autistic 
10 - 18 Year Olds

Holiday Clubs

All Surgical Glove

Fun & Engaging
Events & Activities for
Autistic Young People


Online Games Nights for Autistic 10 - 18 Year Olds

Online Games

Social Groups for Autistic 12 to 18 Year Olds & Their Parent Carers


Tackling social isolation experienced by autistic young people and their families

Our Together Project aims to address the isolation that many neurodivergent young people and their families experience. The project encompasses support for parent/carers as well as young people to strengthen relationships and understanding of neurodivergence.

Providing engaging activities and social opportunities

Our Together Project has been designed by autistic young people for autistic young people and focuses on providing fun and engaging social activities, outings and events. 

Embracing neurodivergence and empowering young people

Our Together Project empowers young people to be themselves and embrace neurodivergence. We provide a no pressure environment where young people feel comfortable and can go at their own pace.

Specialised facilities and sensory safe spaces

We provide specialisted facilities including our dedicated sensory room designed for older children, where they can take some time out, minimise or seek out sensory stimulation to help them feel calm. We provide a range of resources, sensory and fidget toys as well as our uniquely designed Chill Out Zone.

No need for a formal diagnosis

We understand first hand that it can take a long time to receive a formal diagnosis and there is a need for support before this happens. We welcome young people with or without a formal diagnosis of autism.

If your young person is already registered to access our services, please contact us at
with your young person's registration number and we will add them to our waiting list.


Wellbeing and Learning Support for Autistic 12-18 Year Olds 
Struggling To Attend School


Developed and led by those who are autistic 

Aspire has been designed by those who themselves are neurodivergent and have been through similar struggles with school and education, giving a better insight into the challenges neurodivergent young people face with their education.

A focus on mental health and wellbeing 

Aspire is not a replacement for education but a place to support autistic young people's overall wellbeing during a difficult time when they are struggling to attend school. This support is key to maintaining young people's mental health and wellbeing so they are in the best position to engage with their education, however that may look for them. We offer a safe space where they can be understood and supported.

Safe space for young people to be themselves

Aspire is run by neurodivergent adults who empower young people to be themselves and embrace neurodivergence. We understand the need for consistency and routine, sensory input and quiet spaces as well as a no pressure environment where young people feel comfortable and can go at their own pace.

Providing an alternative learning environment with resources and activities to build skills

Aspire provides an alternative learning environment with a variety of activities and workshops to build confidence and life skills, as well as providing educational resources that parents would otherwise not have access to whilst home educating their young people. Aspire also provides a stepping stone into alternative routes of education for young people unable to engage with school, including on site tutoring and partnerships with local organisations and West Lothian College.

No need for a formal diagnosis

We understand first hand that it can take a long time to receive a formal diagnosis and there is a need for support before this happens. We welcome young people with or without a formal diagnosis of autism.

If your young person is already registered to access our services, please contact us at
with your young person's registration number and we will add them to our waiting list.


Small Group Tutoring For Neurodivergent 12-18 Year Olds


Developed and led by those who are neurodivergent

Our experienced and friendly tutor, Alice, has lived experience of being neurodivergent and understands the needs of autistic young people

Weekly small group tutoring in English and Maths

Our small group tutoring runs every week on a Wednesday, accommodating up to a maximum of 6 young people at a time

Suitable for neurodivergent young people aged 12+

Our tutoring groups support neurodivergent young people from S1 to higher level

Affordable and accessible

We work hard to make our tutoring sessions as affordable as possible to support our neurodivergent youth community

No need for a formal diagnosis

We understand first hand that it can take a long time to receive a formal diagnosis and there is a need for support before this happens. We welcome young people with or without a formal diagnosis of autism.

If your young person is already registered to access our services, please contact us at
with your young person's registration number and we will add them to our waiting list.


Summer Holiday Club
Pharmacy Product

10 to 13 years old

10 to 13 year olds

All Surgical Glove

14 to 18 year olds

14 to 18 year olds

Pharmacy Product

Jackbox Games

Jackbox Games

All Surgical Glove

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